Psg10 - Phyllium Bioculatum
nymfa po dvou svlecích
Podčeleď : Phyllidae
Výskyt : Seychely, Borneo, Indie,
Vzhled : - lupenitka -
vzhledem připomíná lupen
- je to její ochrana před
Samička : - asi 9 - 10 cm velká
- od posledního svleku žije asi 6 měsíců
- mají jen jeden pár křídel - nelétají
- barva hráškově zelená s občasnými hnědými nebo okrovými
flíčky (přesvědčivě představuje list)
- jako ostatní druhy strašilek vajíčka vypouští (vyhazuje) volně
po insektáriu
Sameček : - v chovech se skoro nevyskytuje
- je okřídlený a létá
- asi 7 cm velký
- žije jen krátce - oproti samičce
- zbarvení - jak samička
Potrava : - Listy ostružiníku, maliníku, dub (prý i hloh a mango - ale
nemám vyzkoušené)
Rozmnožování : - Partenogeneze (většinou) - ale pokud se
náhodou vyskytne v chovu sameček tak pohlavně
Vajíčka : - 6 - 8 mm velká
- inkubace asi 6 měsíců při teplotě 23 - 26 °C
Nymfy : - jsou hnědé až hnědočervené, po vylíhnutí mají asi 1,5 - 2 cm
a potřebují se co nejdříve napít. Asi druhý až třetí den začínají
hledat živnou rostlinu a začnou přijímat potravu.
Asi týden až 14 dní po příjmu potravy se začnou zbarvovat
přes hnědožlutou, žlutozelenou až do hráškově zelené.
Vývoj nymf do dospělce ( 6 svleků) - trvá asi 6 měsíců
Poznatky z chovu :
Já se osobně chovám v insektáriu o velikosti 45 x 26 x 35 cm (délka x šířka x výška)
A umisťuji do něj asi 10 ks těchto lupenitek.
Vajíčka vybírám 2 - 3 x týdně - při výměně savých utěrek na dně insektária. A umisťuji je do líhničky na molitanovou podložku - ale to viz " líhničky a líhnutí " .
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This is my first post here
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Keithwrece,6. 4. 2020 23:35Балясины для лестниц от производителя! Изготовим балясины и ножки для мебели любой формы: точеные, граненые, витые, резные, комбинированные (дерево + металл) из сосны, дуба, бука, ясеня. Токарные станки с ЧПУ, быстрая и качественная обработка. Шлифовка под покраску
Face Surgical Masks FFP2, FFP3. Wholesale in stock
LindaLiz,3. 4. 2020 12:46Face Surgical Masks FFP2,FFP3,3 Layers. Wholesale in Stock We have stock in Estonia. Mask 3 Layers - 2 mil pcs. FFP2 - 300,000 pcs. FFP3 - 300,000 pcs. Minimum lot of 10,000 pcs.You can come see, it all officially, supply contract. Fast delivery to any region of Europe.
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Williamwex,1. 4. 2020 20:46добродушный вебресурс
Eskadron -- new loved by horse riders all over the world
CyberXoceaw,1. 4. 2020 10:02
Eskadron is one of the very valued equestrian brands on the entire world that specializes in the production of high-quality design clothing and equipment. This German concern was founded by Pikeur wanting to meet with the jockeys' needs, have been searching for professional but also trendy equestrian accessories. So, why is Eskadron therefore special and why their selections are so popular with passengers?Eskadron -- why would riders from all over the world love this particular brand?
Eskadron continues to be exceptionally popular among horseriding fans for twelve or even more years now. This new products are distinguished by their own high-quality attention to detail. Eskadron is also valued for their unique viability, elegance, and innovativeness in their endeavors, modern design, and also availability. The new offer has both professional items and ones for recreational riders. Thus, you'll find basic equestrian clothing, expert equestrian, and assorted accessories necessary for your appropriate saddling of a horse. Eskadron offers saddle fabrics, halters, rugs, bell boots for horses, vases, fly vases, drapes, but additionally hoodies, tshirts, breeches, also show coats. These products come from the European Union, which additionally verifies their quality.Eskadron's ranges
Eskadron has lots of selections. Many are seasonal, others are constantly available in their own offer. The most popular collections of the brand are:
Vintage Sports - launched twice per year, this lineup is made up only of horse riding equipment. Products using this collection are extremely easy, in conventional soft colors but at exactly the same time quite tasteful.
Platinum - launches once annually for people who prefer traditional solutions. You will mostly find gray and black shades together with delicate image motifs.
Young Star - line for kiddies that begin their experience with horseriding. It's basic horse riding accessories in bright colours and exceptional designs.
Equestrian Fanatics - clothing line made for riders that like to stand out. Available coats, hoodies, and backpacks successfully unite casual clothing with equestrianism.
Classic offer - Their steady offer of clothing, equipment, and accessories. You can find services and products used for training and regular rides but additionally elegant show clothing.
Eskadron can be a brand used by riders from all over the world. For the benefit of safety and riding both yours and your horse, it is worth buying high-quality articles, which may enable you to fully appreciate this sport that is exceptional.
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MichaelFup,30. 3. 2020 20:32
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HarryJah,29. 3. 2020 3:25
Карта памяти ORICO Micro TF/SD 256 ГБ 128 Гб 64 ГБ 32 ГБ MicroSD Max 80 м/с класс 10 Мини TF карта с адаптером для sd-карт
Карта памяти Micro SD:
О емкости:
32 Гб = приблизительно 28-30 Гб
64 ГБ = приблизительно 58-60 Гб
128 ГБ = приблизительно 115-119 ГБ
256 ГБ = приблизительно 230-238 ГБ
Это разница в расчетах между производителем и вашим ПК, пожалуйста, Google «емкость карты памяти», чтобы получить дополнительную информацию.
Ваш компьютер говорит, что 1 ГБ = 1,073741824 млрд байт, где рынок определяет 1 ГБ = 1,00 млрд байт.
ORICO Micro TF / SD memory card 256 GB 128 GB 64 GB 32 GB MicroSD Max 80 m / s class 10 Mini TF card with SD card adapter
Micro SD Card:
About capacity:
32 GB = approximately 28-30 GB
64 GB = approximately 58-60 GB
128 GB = approximately 115-119 GB
256 GB = approximately 230-238 GB
This is the difference in calculations between the manufacturer and your PC, please google “memory card capacity” to get more information.
Your computer says 1 GB = 1.073741824 billion bytes, where the market defines 1 GB = 1.00 billion bytes.
Face Surgical Masks FFP2, FFP3. Wholesale in stock
LindaLiz,28. 3. 2020 17:06Face Surgical Masks FFP2,FFP3,3 Layers. Wholesale in Stock We have stock in Estonia. Mask 3 Layers - 2 mil pcs. FFP2 - 300,000 pcs. FFP3 - 300,000 pcs. Minimum lot of 10,000 pcs.You can come see, it all officially, supply contract. Fast delivery to any region of Europe.
The Norwegian LAMININE
Waynetosew,26. 3. 2020 19:16The Norwegian LAMININE are 4 times more affordable, as Laminine by LPGN
DanielKew,26. 3. 2020 18:03
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MichaelDomar,9. 4. 2020 12:25